Thursday 10 November 2022


In Greek mythology, there is a frightening monster called Medusa. Her hair is made up of venomous snakes. Her teeth are very sharp and her eyes are so hideous that anyone who dared looked at her would be turned to stone. She was one of the three Gorgon sisters, who were like Medusa. They were called Stheno and Euryale. All three gorgon sisters were once depicted as having golden wings but their appearance changed over time. Only Medusa was the only one who was mortal. There are different versions to the myth. Another origin story written by the Roman author Ovid described Medusa as being once a beautiful woman that served as a priestess in the temple of goddess Athena. The sea god Poseidon fell in love with her, and then he went straight to her in the temple, causing her to be pregnant. This defiled the temple and angered the goddess, so Medusa was cursed to become the evil monster with hair of snakes. She was sent away to live in a grim cave. Later she was slain by the hero Perseus. When Perseus beheaded Medusa, her blood dripped from the hole in her neck and out emerged two remarkable offspring, the children of Medusa and Poseidon. They were Pegasus and Chrysaor. Even though Medusa was dead, her powerful eyes were still capable of turning anyone and anything to stone. Perseus put the head of Medusa into a sack and used it as a weapon on his continued adventures. Later on in the story, the head of Medusa was added to the shield of Athena. 

Shadow Girl

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