Tuesday 20 December 2022

Jack Frost

This is an English folklore about Jack Frost, which is actually a figure that brings cold, winter and ice itself. He's a type of elemental being, a nature spirit and a member of the faerie folk. He turns lush green leaves dry, brittle and brown. He ends the lives of flowers. He puts icicles and frosty particles everywhere, turning it cold and dead. He brings the deathly chill that kills fruit, crops and wildlife. Animals have to find various ways to hide from Jack Frost. In legends, poems and films, he's either a friendly being or a scary entity. He covers windows in fern like frost, bringing the dense cold air to bite at fingers. Some people used to think he carried a paint brush to colour the green leaves red, brown and yellow. The origins of Jack Frost derives from Anglo Saxon and Norse stories, but the Finnish also have a story about him. It's believed that he's a similar character to Old Man Winter, who didn't just bring the cold but also brought famine due to cold ruining harvests as well as winter related illnesses. He's believed to look like a  tall man with a pale blue complexion, white hair and bright blue eyes. He's depicted as dressed in white clothes covered in leaves. He carries a staff made of wood similar to a shepherd's crook or a wand.  

Shadow Girl  

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