Friday 10 February 2023

The Cursed Amethyst

This magnificent gemstone is known as The Cursed Amethyst and it's not something you want to have as a gift. Also called the Delhi Purple Sapphire, which was locked away in the Natural History Museum in London. Once discovered there by curator Peter Tandy, after being hidden for so long, there was a note attached with it that described a terrible curse stained with blood. It was originally from the temple of the thunder god Indra, but was looted by the British Army in the 19th century. This was called the Siege of Cawnpore. One of the soldiers who robbed the temple was dazzled by the "purple sapphire" and wanted to keep it. After returning home, he experienced a sting of bad luck. He was so unhappy that he gave the gemstone to another, who then also experienced a lot of misery. Every person who owned the gemstone always suffered horribly with misfortunes. 

A British scientist named Edward Heron-Allen took the purple stone and gave it to a woman. She was already gifted with a beautiful singing voice but as soon as she owned the Cursed Amethyst, her voice was gone! Many more dark things followed, and Heron-Allen was so afraid that he flung the amethyst into a canal. Strangely, the gemstone returned to him! While the canal was being cleaned, the stone was recovered and then handed back to its owner, and Edward Heron-Allen was horrified. He then had the stone place in a fashioned jewel and locked it away in a bank. He left instructions for his daughter that three years after his death, she should remove the amethyst and hand it over to the museum. He died in 1943. Flash forward to 2007, the amethyst went on display at the museum. The curator who transported the amethyst had spoke of a strange lightning storm around his car! Now the Cursed Amethyst is in a vault at the museum. 

Shadow Girl  

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