Friday 25 November 2022

Countess Bathory

One of the most infamous women in history is Countess Bathory. She's best known as Elizabeth Bathory, the "blood countess" who killed around 600 women. A powerful Hungarian noblewoman of the 16th century, she's always been associated with vampire traits, as she had a thirst for blood. Many horrific tales of her includes bathing in the blood of her victims as she believed this restored her youth. Born as Erzebet Bathory on 7th August 1560 to a family who ruled Transylvania. Her uncle was Stephen Bathory, the king of Poland. Erzebet grew up at her family estate of Ecsed Castle until she married young at age 15. Her husband was a "little Carpathian" lord, named Count Ferenc Nadasdy. Erzebet moved into Cachtice Castle to be with her husband in the region of dark forests. Her husband was often away serving in the Ottoman-Hungarian war, so she was left to run the household. Rumours began among the poor that peasant women were going missing. At the time this wasn't taken seriously because they were assumed as gossip. Young girls as young as 10 worked in the castle began to experience horrors. It's believed the countess also killed the daughters of wealthy families who were less powerful. Apparently, Erzebet used to torment her victims, subjecting them to endless cruelty such as burning, beatings, mutilation, torture and even cannibalism. It wasn't until 1610 that this was properly investigated, on order of King Mattias II. There was found hundreds of witness testimonies that described what Erzebet had done. She was arrested and in her home were some of her latest victims. A few of her most loyal servants were also arrested for helping her to commit awful murders and brutality. During the trial, Bathory was officially accused of killing around 80 people, even though many claimed there were hundreds of victims. She was confined as a prisoner in her own castle, locked in a cell room, until her death on 21st Autust 1614. 

Shadow Girl        

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