Tuesday 29 November 2022


These shadowcats are dangerous big cats living in the wilderness of the continent of Westeros. They're mostly found in the Mountains of the Moon, the vast cold landscape north of The Wall, the Riverlands and the Red Mountains. These carnivorous cats are able to kill someone with a single strike of a paw. Their claws are very sharp, and their thick fur is black and covered in white stripes. Their teeth are curved and lethal as swords. The sounds they make varies from a blood curdling deep growl to an awful chilling screech. It's said they hunt alone, and in complete darkness and silence. They often consumed all of the meat from their prey, and they crack through the bones to get at the marrow. They leave little of their victims left! These ferocious cats seem to avoid human habitats unless they're starving. It's more than likely for a lone traveller to be attacked by a shadowcat. In prehistoric times, the Children of the Forest lived in tree towns so they avoided the dangerous shadowcats. It's possible to keep a shadowcat as a pet, because a skinchanger, who was of the Free Folk, kept a shadowcat who was under his power. Shadowcats are one of the most interesting animals found in the world of Planetos, in A Song of Ice and Fire books by George R. R. Martin. 

Shadow Girl

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