Tuesday 6 December 2022

Mount Everest

One of the creepiest locations is Mount Everest, the biggest mountain on Earth. Besides it's breathtaking beauty from a distance, it's actually a very haunted place. Mount Everest is a graveyard littered with corpses. There are so many people hoping to climb the treacherous mountain that they end up passing away in severe conditions without being fully equipped. Even those prepared and experienced with mountaineering have died on this grim mountain. One of the corpses is nicknamed "Green Boots" and is used as a landmark for climbers and travellers. Some people have taken selfies beside the famous corpse, and one person died sitting next to Green Boots. Besides the countless dead, many of which are unidentified, there are supernatural legends. Often ghosts and shadow figures have approached climbers begging for food. Some believe those are the lost spirits of those who perished on Mount Everest. Besides eerie wandering phantoms, there have also been unusual flying objects or winged creatures seen there. The most well known mystery of all is the Yeti monster, described as looking like a large hairy apelike being covered in dark or white fur. The local Sherpa people have cultural beliefs of the mountain and value it as a sacred site. To them it's as though the endless tourists and climbers have disturbed the place. Also many sceptics believe that the paranormal sightings could be down to hallucinations being at a high altitude.

Shadow Girl 

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